Natural Lawn Maintenance

Lawn Mastery Ltd has a lawn maintenance division as a result of client feedback and demand.

Clients are telling us their frustrations include:

  • Lack of accountability
  • Poor follow up service
  • Lengthy timeframes between visits
  • Failure to meet their expectations

Lawn Mastery Ltd now offers professional maintenance services to the residential and commercial lawn market.

We aim to set very high standards in lawn maintenance to back up our construction products. Besides receiving expert advice and service, clients also have the option of reel mower cutting. Reel mowing is undertaken on all fine turf surfaces, from golf courses to stadiums. We want to emulate this quality in the lawn market. Reel mowing takes lawns to the 'next level' in terms of appearance.

Our aim is to fulfil our customers wants of reliability, dependability and proven quality. In order to achieve these objectives, we have compiled the following:

'Turf Menu': From this list, you are able to choose which products and services meet your needs.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) system: This is designed to ensure Clients have regular feedback and performance indicator systems to match expectations against results.

Letter of Engagement: This outlines conditions of the maintenance contract.

Once expected products, services and outcomes are defined, you can then get on with enjoying your lawn.